Therapy and Counselling Toronto
647-290-9327 Marriages, Couples, Individuals
Individual Therapy My clients come to see me for a wide range of reasons. Whether they want to feel and function better, or they just want someone to listen to them and provide them with some sort of guidance or therapeutic treatment. Some common concerns include: relationship difficulties, difficult childhood or childhood grief, loss of a loved one and family experiences (past or present), general anxiety and stress, depression, homesick, and eating and body image concerns.
It is important for you the individual to gain trust in your process. To communicate patterns of difficulty that might to be overwhelming or challenging for you to discuss in your daily life with others. Trust in your ability to confront the challenging times and to address how you feel and what you think is important to get past discomfort in your life. Speaking helps you to let out what’s on your mind. The therapeutic process begins with considering and exploring some options followed with strategies. The idea is that you will be able to look forward to the future that you have designed for yourself then lead you into effective and long lasting results.
Located near Christie or Woodbine Subway Station
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